I have always been the person to not drink a lot of water. Sometimes I only drink one cup of water (or less) a day or I drink water in the evening and get dizzy because my body is like: “Wait what….is this happening, are we getting water??? I never thought this day wold come” My body is watching me drink water with pride in their heart and tears in their eyes.

So I have decided to go from nothing to 8 cups of water a day. I will also count tea as a cup of water as I will probably get bored of just plain water. I will not drink sugary water additives( I usually always add those to my water). The challenge will start on the 29.01.2018 and end on the 29.02.2018.

I will update on this account about any changes like weight loss, clarity of mind or general happiness.

I do often ask myself why I would not give a plant soft drinks but I drink them myself. Well maybe I will never drink soft drinks again after this experience, who knows.

So let the watering begin…and hopefully the start to a better, healthier  and happier watered Leah 😉

With love ❤
