Hey guys,

So I am one day away from my exam. I have already written one exam and the closer I got to the exam the less I cared about it. With this last exam I just cannot get myself to study or anything to enter my brain. Honestly guys I think I have given up a tiny bit theres nothing I am afraid of if this does not go well. If I get a bad grade I will have to retake but I only need 40% to pass because I did ok in the year.

I mean I have never been a person to do well in exams I used to get really bad panic attacks and go to a therapist because my school would not let me take exams unless I was seeing someone professionally. Which btw I am grateful for looking back at it. There was always so  much anxiety in me and now that has been replaced with calmer but more pressing anxiety. I can dull it by distracting myself but mainly I am just worried about where all of this is going to end (will i be happy)

Well I’ve gone of topic. I think that people who procrastinate aren’t necessarily lazy, we are just either scared of the exam or don’t know exactly what to do. My best friend Louisa always says “have fun” before we go into in exam instead of “good luck” I think it must be because anything you know, you already know and luck is most likely not going to help you out but the least anybody can do in any given scenario is look on the bright side of things and have a bit of fun.

Anyway I will update you guys once I am done with my exams maybe I will tell you about how I got my hand read in 2017 and what I think of palm readings.

Hope you all have a lovely day

With love

-Leah ❤


Hey guys,

So first off I wanted to say that I am going to try and write every day.

So recently I found myself researching someone a lot and just getting swept away for a minute but then i started to think rationally even if I one day met this person the odds that they would like me is very small.

The glamour of hollywood makes us forget about our problems and how things actually are. Take any celebrity and take away the press and their fancy clothes and their movies. Imagine them as the average joe next-door in normal clothing and with a nice personality but not the most good looking guy ever. Would you be as smitten with him or her ( I think not) . While loving the looks and success of these people they are just people with a job. A job which the media has chosen to feature a lot. And I think we forget that a lot, these are just people with a job (a job that pays well yes, but nonetheless just a job) and so I come to the conclusion that while it’s nice to swoon once in a while and even think in what-if scenarios we all need to stay grounded and remember that everybody has something which they are good at, they just need to find it.

With Love

-Leah ❤


Hey guys,

So I am in my final week of Uni and only have one exam to go (which is great) but for some reason I have absolutely no motivation.

With my first exam I was studying night and day and really getting into the studying and now I just can not be bothered. I think it might have something to due with the fact that I do not find this topic as interesting as the previous one (which was physical geography) . Also I ma just currently not feeling well I am a bit overwhelmed with what is to come in the future and how things are going to work out but mostly if I am going to be happy. There are many ways to happiness but I want something , something that will take work and I am not ready to reveal till I have achieved something in that field.

On a lighter note this summer shall be the summer where I finally get started on those dreams and put a lot of effort into it and honestly I should just not care what others say or think and just do my thing because there are always going to be people standing in your way laughing and pointing so you need to ignore them and just carry on.

But also I am thinking if I am even being realistic I mean maybe I will not change my dream but my temporary goals because that would be a realistic and achievable way to start. If I am just trying to get to that dream without any real steps than I will get frustrated and give up, and that will not happen (again).

I need to be more productive post more and write more and that way I will learn how to stick to a schedule.

Anyway I do hope everyone reading this is having a lovely day and that everyone gets trough their exams well and finds their personal way to happiness.

With Love

-Leah ❤


Hi there,

So it’s been one week and I must say I am not enjoying it as much as I hoped I would. Even though I do feel better about my general health in the evening I also seem to think I can eat more. I also truly do not like the need to pee every 30 minutes as I spend most my time at Uni, on the third floor of the Library (which btw does NOT have a toilet so I have to go all the way down to the ground floor just to pee :/) Also how weird does that emoji look just because I closed the bracket after that sentence. It probably won’t look weird after wordpress makes it into a proper emoji not just one of those dots and lines so to understand what I am saying just imagine it as dots as lines with a closing bracket after that.

Anyway back to the water challenge, it’s been okay I definitely feel more motivated to work than usual as I feel like I am trying to have a perfect day . I thought that I would feel more awake but currently I am still pretty sleepy anytime I come home from uni. But that could just be because uni sucks all my energy out of me and leaves a tired and hangry Leah. I mean my mood swings between morning where I am optimistic (and very tired) and the evening where I question all my decisions in life and just want to eat noodles and sleep  are extreme.

So in conclusion: Water is great I feel motivated and healthy but my energy level has not changed much. Maybe week 2 will bring more promising results.

I don’t know, maybe it just takes some time it’s not like when a plant is almost dead and you water it its suddenly fully blooming the next day. You need to coax it away from the sure death of dehydration and nurse it back to health.( Not that I have ever been like a plant in full bloom and completely healthy haha I each stage of my life I have been to some extent at least unhealthy)

I am also very excited that 3 full human beings started following my blog it makes me very excited and happy. When the first person followed my blog I called my best friend and told her it seems to make me a lot happier than when someone follows me on instagram because I feel like they are liking my thoughts not my appearance.

Thanks to anybody reading

With love ❤



I have always been the person to not drink a lot of water. Sometimes I only drink one cup of water (or less) a day or I drink water in the evening and get dizzy because my body is like: “Wait what….is this happening, are we getting water??? I never thought this day wold come” My body is watching me drink water with pride in their heart and tears in their eyes.

So I have decided to go from nothing to 8 cups of water a day. I will also count tea as a cup of water as I will probably get bored of just plain water. I will not drink sugary water additives( I usually always add those to my water). The challenge will start on the 29.01.2018 and end on the 29.02.2018.

I will update on this account about any changes like weight loss, clarity of mind or general happiness.

I do often ask myself why I would not give a plant soft drinks but I drink them myself. Well maybe I will never drink soft drinks again after this experience, who knows.

So let the watering begin…and hopefully the start to a better, healthier  and happier watered Leah 😉

With love ❤


Why am I blogging?

Hi there,

I’m Leah and I am currently 19 years old and a student at Kingston University in London.  I am still not 100% sure what I want this blog to be but I do know that this will not be blog with one topic like baking or cooking.

While I do want to write about those topics I also want to talk about my anxiety, my birds, my journey of learning to not care about what other people think about me anymore, etc.

Well and now i come to answer the question of ”why am I blogging” while I would love to do something like vlogging or posting a lot on facebook or instagram I am just a very shy person and hope that writing things out and learning more about myself while I do so will help me gain some confidence and make me do more and achieve more.

But what are these things which I would like to achieve? Well I now for sure that this summer I want to learn Japanese as one day I would love to work there and also I would just love to see some anime without it being dubbed or reading the subtitles. And yes I know that from an educational standpoint Mandarin would be better as it is the most spoken language around the world. But I want to do things because they make me happy not because they would look good on my CV or would make my parents proud. I want to make myself proud. I don’t know if I am the only one but writing really helps me realize what I wanted to say without knowing that I wanted to say it before I started writing.

Anyway, I think that’s enough for today. I hope someone has interest in what I have to say

With love ❤
