Hey guys,

So I am one day away from my exam. I have already written one exam and the closer I got to the exam the less I cared about it. With this last exam I just cannot get myself to study or anything to enter my brain. Honestly guys I think I have given up a tiny bit theres nothing I am afraid of if this does not go well. If I get a bad grade I will have to retake but I only need 40% to pass because I did ok in the year.

I mean I have never been a person to do well in exams I used to get really bad panic attacks and go to a therapist because my school would not let me take exams unless I was seeing someone professionally. Which btw I am grateful for looking back at it. There was always so  much anxiety in me and now that has been replaced with calmer but more pressing anxiety. I can dull it by distracting myself but mainly I am just worried about where all of this is going to end (will i be happy)

Well I’ve gone of topic. I think that people who procrastinate aren’t necessarily lazy, we are just either scared of the exam or don’t know exactly what to do. My best friend Louisa always says “have fun” before we go into in exam instead of “good luck” I think it must be because anything you know, you already know and luck is most likely not going to help you out but the least anybody can do in any given scenario is look on the bright side of things and have a bit of fun.

Anyway I will update you guys once I am done with my exams maybe I will tell you about how I got my hand read in 2017 and what I think of palm readings.

Hope you all have a lovely day

With love

-Leah ❤


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