Hey guys,

So first off I wanted to say that I am going to try and write every day.

So recently I found myself researching someone a lot and just getting swept away for a minute but then i started to think rationally even if I one day met this person the odds that they would like me is very small.

The glamour of hollywood makes us forget about our problems and how things actually are. Take any celebrity and take away the press and their fancy clothes and their movies. Imagine them as the average joe next-door in normal clothing and with a nice personality but not the most good looking guy ever. Would you be as smitten with him or her ( I think not) . While loving the looks and success of these people they are just people with a job. A job which the media has chosen to feature a lot. And I think we forget that a lot, these are just people with a job (a job that pays well yes, but nonetheless just a job) and so I come to the conclusion that while it’s nice to swoon once in a while and even think in what-if scenarios we all need to stay grounded and remember that everybody has something which they are good at, they just need to find it.

With Love

-Leah ❤


  1. I totally agree with you! But what if this person happens to have a GREAT personality and is a loving and caring brother (and pet owner). And can do summersaults and dances really well and just happens to be really hot in general?


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