Why am I blogging?

Hi there,

I’m Leah and I am currently 19 years old and a student at Kingston University in London.  I am still not 100% sure what I want this blog to be but I do know that this will not be blog with one topic like baking or cooking.

While I do want to write about those topics I also want to talk about my anxiety, my birds, my journey of learning to not care about what other people think about me anymore, etc.

Well and now i come to answer the question of ”why am I blogging” while I would love to do something like vlogging or posting a lot on facebook or instagram I am just a very shy person and hope that writing things out and learning more about myself while I do so will help me gain some confidence and make me do more and achieve more.

But what are these things which I would like to achieve? Well I now for sure that this summer I want to learn Japanese as one day I would love to work there and also I would just love to see some anime without it being dubbed or reading the subtitles. And yes I know that from an educational standpoint Mandarin would be better as it is the most spoken language around the world. But I want to do things because they make me happy not because they would look good on my CV or would make my parents proud. I want to make myself proud. I don’t know if I am the only one but writing really helps me realize what I wanted to say without knowing that I wanted to say it before I started writing.

Anyway, I think that’s enough for today. I hope someone has interest in what I have to say

With love ❤


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